Monday, September 12, 2005

Days 121-124: Goodbye Greece, we had a Great time!

On our last days riding in Greece we clocked up 6000km, which we achieved on our last European cycling tour in almost exactly the same number of days.

Just last year a new suspension bridge from Antirio to Rio Bridge opened, it is 2252m long and is the longest cable-stayed suspension bridge in the world. It is quite impressive to see.

The next picture is of the sunrise on a hazy morning across the Corith Gulf from Antirio.

Unfortunately we could not ride over the bridge as there was only a very tight 5 flight staircase up to the cycle path. So we took the ferry to Rio which is still very busy due to the very high toll charges for the bridge.

The next picture is of Patras City which is a very busy ferry port.

Our ferry back to Bari was huge compared to the New Zealand interislander, the great thing about boarding ferries is that it is super easy for the tandem!