This is the lovely sunset from where we camped for the night, and then third is the view back toward our camping bay - Kato Alephori - the next morning.
That next day we had our hardest climb of all - what we are calling our "heart-thumpingly-steep" climb. It was only a very short hill (5km), but a few times we had to stop to get some more air into our lungs. Photo 4 is when we were gloriously close to the summit, and we looked back with some pride (more like relief) to the switchbacks. Just after the summit we took this photo to show you an example of the shrines that we have seen all around the roads in Greece.
A local recommended this lovely cake at a cafe so we had to indulge him!!!!!
Now THIS is the type of sign we like to see after we've done some climbing - 10% grade - going down!