As we got closer to our destination the skies darkened and we had glorious thunder and lightning (Sandy loves this stuff) and didn't quite make it to campground before the heavens opened! Once the first downpour subsided we started to set up camp and then the rain started again and we couldn't believe it when we got hail (see second picture - about the size of moth balls). It was still a very warm 25° so it was quite funny to have hail - we put on our helmets while we set up the tent in case we got hit!!! Anyway, the weather cleared and heated up so we could have a swim soon after!!! But the thunder and lightning did continue all evening and it was AWESOME. We had forked lightning and sheet lightning.
There were a lot of cyclists and mountain bikes in this area and Carl was pleased to see Cannondales everywhere. Also lots of windsurfers and surf boards around, so the place was hopping. The last photo was taken near where we were swimming in the afternoon - this looks in the direction of Riva del Garda.