Well the tripping continues (8 days straight of cycling) so we´re taking a day off today and have taken a train from Redensberg to München for the the day. The weather has both fined up and warmed up considerably. Since Ulm we´ve had hot sunny days of awesome cycling to Donauwörth (on the Danube) from where we went cross country to the Altmühltal river (slightly north of the Danube) and then followed this river and it´s rather quaint Bavarian villages to it´s confluence with the Danube. Cool stuff! - we saw a fox (wild one) stick it´s head out of the forrest to watch us cycle by, and we were regularly accompanied by the sound of Cuckoo´s doing their cuckoo thing! We also happened across a medieval festival in the wee town of Reidenburg, so lots of chainmail, swords, tents, parades etc...
We´ve had a great day in München - far too much to see and do for one day!
Photos below are of, Donauwörth (lovely Bavaria town), a typical bike path we are following, us in Nueberg, the village of Stetten (across the arable fields), and the Church in Dietfurt (turn your head sorry).